How does the billing work?

We provide flexible billing cycles for all SEO plans, recurring weekly or biweekly, based on the plan you choose.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes. You can cancel at any time. Our SEO Plans recur weekly or biweekly, based on your subscription. There is never any obligation to continue SEO services with us. However, we do not recommend turning a blind eye to your SEO, as things can go wrong at any time, and no one will be there to manage or monitor your website's ranks. Once damages occur, they can last for months, years, or indefinitely.

How fast do tasks get done?

We perform one task at a time. Specific tasks only take an hour or less to complete, while others may take 1-2 weeks. If you're on the Enterprise plan, we have small groups of producers working on tasks simultaneously.

What does Exclusive Service mean?

Exclusive Service means that we do not work with competitors in your market and service region while we are on an active contract. This is an essential detail since you wouldn't want your marketing company reselling the same ideas and strategies to your direct competitors.

What is an Active Task?

An Active Task is any single task planned in your SEO road map. Tasks that get top priority depend on the level of importance and urgency. With SEO for larger enterprise scaled businesses, we will have multiple SEO experts working on different tasks simultaneously.

How do I find out how much will my SEO cost?

πŸ€™ Schedule a Discovery Call with one of our SEO Experts to investigate your website and industry β€” then we will build a custom proposal with an affordable yet competitive fixed price just for you.

Does Nord SEO guarantee success with their SEO services?

There is no truthful way to say that any SEO (no matter how good) will be successful. The main factors that could affect the efficacy of our SEO service depends on the client's reqeusts, unauthorized or unwarranted actions, or how competitive your industry is. Learn more about our service gaurantees, terms and guidelines to ensure the best possible chance of successful SEO described within our Disclaimer.

How secure are NORD SEO's websites and services?

We use a flat-file CMS, so there is no personal passwords, emails, or login captured on Read our Security Compliance for further information about data we might possess and the purpose when using our SEO services.

We use SnipCart for our service checkout and service subscription payments. You can also learn more about SnipCart's security here.

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